Worship Ministries
“Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!” Psalm 150
But actually we invite you to do more than breathe! Worship Ministries abound. None of them are particularly onerous…all of them contribute to the richness of our family worship at St. Helen’s and are a way to put your faith into action. Readers, Sides people, Intercessors, Altar Guild, Music Ministries (with a particular prayer for Tenors), Servers, Administrators of Communion, Healing Ministry. Training provided. Screening in Faith and Police Check required. Please speak to Kay+, interim Clergy, for more information.
Altar Guild
Looking for a new ministry to participate in? Why not try the Altar Guild! Male and female parishioners are welcome. Duties are once a month. Please contact Debbie Tweedle if you are interested!
Servers Training
Would you like to serve at the altar on Sunday mornings? This ministry is open to all age groups. Please send an e-mail message ( office@sthelens.ca ) expressing your interest.
Each Sunday Prayers of the People are offered as part of the community response in worship. Additional intercessors at each service are needed. If this appeals to you or you would like additional information, please speak to Lynn Glenn. Resources are available and training is provided.