The Cemetery

Guided by the Cemetery Board, elected at our Annual Vestry Meeting (AGM), St. Helen’s is honoured to steward the beautiful and sacred site of the St. Mary the Virgin Cemetery. This is an active cemetery with an ongoing ministry, serving people with a connection to the parish and/or the community of Blackburn. We hold an annual Cemetery Memorial Service on the 2nd Sunday in September.

We are governed by the canons of the Diocese of Ottawa and the Bereavement Authority of Ontario. You can read our by-laws here.

The Pioneering Families of St. Mary the Virgin Cemetery

If you are interested in arranging for the burial of yourself or a loved one at St. Mary the Virgin Cemetery, please contact St. Helen’s for more information. Our parish administrator will guide you through the process of determining whether this is the right choice for you. Email or call 613-824-2010.