
Crossing Boundaries: Learning from the Ethiopian Eunuch. A sermon on Acts 8:26-40

Imagine if we modeled ourselves on the Ethiopian eunuch – learners rather than teachers; explorers rather than experts; making room to listen to others rather than inviting them in to listen to us. What transformation might the Spirit have in store for us; what invitation into the way of God; what fruits, to borrow Jesus’ metaphor for a moment, might we produce?

We are here to remember. A sermon for Good Friday

Thanks be to God that we are a Good Friday people – called to see the world as it really is – broken and despised, fearful and violent, and also, always, loved and redeemed. So come – come to the foot of the cross; come in penitence; come in need… and come in hope-filled thanksgiving for the love that is stronger than sin, stronger than despair, stronger than death.

Being remembered by Holy Week

The story of Holy Week is not just another story. It is the story that makes us who we are – the formational memory of the community of the church, the Body of Christ. We don’t just tell this story – we live it, in the rituals of this week but more also – and more importantly – in our lives.