At our 2023 Annual Vestry Meeting, St. Helen’s launched a discernment and planning process to help us hear and respond to God’s call in this current season of our parish life. How are we being called to grow? Who are we being called to serve? Where does God want us to put our attention and our energy?
The Process
Watch the presentation given by our consultant, Janet Marshall, on Sunday, Sept 24.
Talk to one another and to the people of our wider parish – your friends and neighbours, people who work in the shops and restaurants, folks on the bus (just how bold are you?). Use this set of questions to get the conversations going.
Read the Environics Report prepared for our official parish boundaries of Orleans and Blackburn Hamlet (but if you live outside those boundaries, you and your neighbours still count!) Do the descriptions match your sense of the community you live in? Do they match your sense of who is a member of St. Helen’s? Do they match your sense of yourself? What does this data suggest about how we communicate and what is needed by our wider parish?
Reflect with these guided Scripture meditations
Looking Inward
Looking Outward
The Congregational Day, held on Saturday, October 28, was a very successful day of reflection, questioning and imagining. The steering committee will be sharing outcomes from that date in the not-too-distant future. Stay tuned!