Sunday, February 25 2018

“As Jesus passed along the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon, (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people.” Mark 1: 16

The fishermen were called into a new vocation.  And they learned to fish with a different kind of net, a different kind of bait. It really isn’t much of a leap for us, is it, to recognize that Jesus’ call to these ordinary people to “follow me”, into the new life of faith, is a call to us also, to follow in God’s ways, to engage in the ministry of ‘people fishing’?

And in following Jesus we launch ourselves  out into largely uncharted  and troubled waters…into the world… our role is not only to be Christ’s friends, comfortable members of our faith community,  but to be disciples, ‘learners’ and credible witnesses, to be evangelists.

Fishing of any kind requires the correct bait and it requires patience.  Also, if you don’t cast your line into the water, you won’t catch a thing!  What is the bait for people?  A healthy, joy and Spirit filled, inclusive, authentic Christian community …that’s good bait!  Honest, loving, caring, non-judgmental  individuals, with a lively faith…that’s good bait!  And Jesus himself, calling people into a relationship, into a life that is meaningful, purposeful and eternal.  To be a disciple is to “preach” to others, in word and example, about the difference Christ makes in our lives…sharing  that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.

It’s about inviting them to join with you in the journey of faith.

King of Heaven, we will answer the call;
We will follow, bringing hope to the world,
filled with passion, filled with power to proclaim
salvation in Jesus’ name.

Hear the Call of the Kingdom by Keith and Kristen Getty & Stuart Townend

Recipe: Supper at the Lake Gut one fresh trout or walleye. Fill cavity with fresh herbs: dill, parsley, basil, chives etc with a bit of butter or olive oil.  Wrap in oiled foil, add a touch of white wine.  Add another layer of foil. Grill on barbeque 5-7 minutes per side depending on the thickness of the fish.  Serve with steamed green beans, a wedge of lemon and a carbohydrate side if you must!