Thursday, March 7, 2019

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest one of all?” Thus speaks the wicked queen in the classic Grimm’s fairy tale ‘Snow White’. It is a story of intrigue and threat, interesting characters, surprises and, ultimately, a happy ending. The mirror knows all and does not lie.
Lent offers us time for self- examination. If you gaze at your likeness in a mirror, what do you see? You may be inclined to note imperfections or think ‘There’s my mother!’. Or you may be quite pleased with your reflection, even as it is without those social media filters that present a virtually porcelain, and deceptive, appearance. Now look deep into your own eyes… If “The eyes are the windows to the soul”, what does God see?
“For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12 Although it may be discomfiting in some ways, we can’t avoid the truth that God knows everything about us. The good, the bad and the ugly. God knows our vulnerabilities and secrets, the sins, the misguided attitudes, the intentions which pave the road to…somewhere that doesn’t lead to a deeper relationship with God! And yes, God loves us even as we are and too much to leave us there. Each of us has a personal history, for better or for worse. Does it define you? How is that working for you? Is it time to ‘let it go’ and let God grow you?
Prayer, based on Matthew 6:22
God, you know all about the darkness I carry within my body, soul, mind and spirit. Guide me in the way I need to follow to renounce all that which separates me from you. Fill me with the light of the Son, that I may trust in my Saviour and Lord. Amen.
Aside: Cherry Tomatoes Have you ever bought some beautiful cherry or grape tomatoes and enjoyed them in a great garden salad, and then the rest sat on the counter, becoming sad and wrinkled with each passing day? Don’t throw them into the compost! Gently heat a little olive oil and some crushed garlic in a fry pan. Add the tomatoes and ‘toast’ them until the skin gets that roasted look. Sprinkle with some basil or parsley, if desired. Serve as a side dish or add them to a vegetable (and/or chicken or shrimp) stir fry for a light and healthy main course