Sunday, April 21, 2019
There isn’t an explanation, scientific or otherwise, providing ‘proof’ that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead. Holy Scripture tells the stories. History texts make reference. Scholars and atheists alike, debate. Indeed, those kinds of conversations can be wrestled with and argued some other day.
Easter Sunday is all about proclamation. “Alleluia, Christ is risen. The Lord is risen, indeed!” And the question to then ask is how completely we have allowed this mystery, of the Word made flesh, of our Lord crucified and risen, to transform us? In the Resurrection moment, the Holy One calls us to the new life, rich with possibilities, marked by hope and filled with purpose and meaning. The Resurrection experience, lived day-by-day, calls us to change and to grow and to courageously witness to the presence and the power of the Risen Lord, to a broken world in need of a Saviour. May we be equal to that joy!