Posts by Rhonda Waters (Page 2)

Week 7 – Prayers and Reflections

Download these prayers as a pdf here. Our journey this week will bring us to places of deep prayer, including shrines to Jesus’ mother, Mary, and the home of Julian of Norwich.  As you walk this week, allow yourself to attend to the deep suffering of the world. Open your eyes to signs of that pain around you and, in solidarity with…

Week 6 – Prayers and Reflection

Download these prayers as a pdf here. Be Still and know that I am God.  As we walk in Yorkshire, enjoying the cities, the heather, and the countryside, let us remember St. Hilda of Whitby, Aelred, second Abbot of Rievaulx, who helped the Abby thrive, and the Sisters of the Holy Paraclete of Whitby, asking God to guide us as we follow…

Chapter 5 – Lindisfarne

From Scotland we decide to start down the east coast of England, where more that is steeped in history and mystery awaits us.  Indeed, there is a connection, because the priory at our first stop was established by a monk sent from Iona (remember Iona from last week?) 

Week 4 – Prayers and Reflection

Download these prayers as a pdf here. We are making our way to the northern edges of our journey and visiting remote islands off the Scottish coast. We will visit sites famed for miracles and for faithfulness and for community. Perhaps these three things are not so different from one another. As you walk this week, focus on the miracles. Dare to…

Chapter 3 – Wales

This week we travel north across the Bristol Channel into Wales, a country where many places, much history, the language and its spelling (especially the last) are all very mysterious to the visitor.  

Week 3 – Prayers and Reflections

Download these prayers as a pdf here. I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where is my help to come?My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.  As we walk the paths of Wales, let us notice every tree and blade of grass, rejoicing in seeing those places from times past, and those places that are…